Thursday, January 31, 2013

Be True

There are many noble qualities: Just, Wise, Friendly, Courageous, Tolerant, Patient, Honest, Fair, Caring, Honorable, Kind, Empathic, Sincere, Loyal, Sharing, Compassionate, Forgiving, and Truthful to name just a few.  Within the mental image that each of caries of themselves, these qualities are often listed as the framework of one’s character.  Certainly having these qualities contributes to peaceful society.

But is this really you?  Is the image you project toward others different than the image you believe to be true?  Is there a difference?  Disparity between the two is a telltale sign that of an imbalance.

Seriously, think about it.  If you want to be compassionate, which you should, yet you pass those without helping, you may need to reassess your position.  If you think of yourself as caring and tolerant yet routine cut others off in traffic because you have to be first, you may need to reconsider future actions.
We should all hopefully be inspired to aspire to have good qualities.  And certainly mistakes will occur.  However, when we inherently believe we hold these qualities without acting upon them, we are being dishonest with ourselves, others, and the universe.  We are being hypocrites.  Instead of thinking one way and acting another, we should strive to be true.  We should endeavor to be greatness of these noble qualities.

With the same line of reasoning, we can think about our place of worship.  Places of worship routinely teach the merits of peace, nonviolence, love, truth, charity and compassion.  They don’t always live up their teachings.  These congregations are imbalance. 
As you aspire to bring yourself into balance by manifesting these noble qualities, you can inspire your friends to strive for betterment, too.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

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