Truth. All
religions have placed value on truthfulness.
Nevertheless, this hasn’t stopped some from lying. For example, Catholicism has been caught red
handed with their pants down. Several
priests were found guilty of pedophilic conduct. While that is wrong, what I find just as disturbing
is how the church hid this from the community, the news, and their
congregations. They lied and the people
who attend by sustaining this institution continue to support the lies. It’s wrong and shameful –for all Catholic parishioners.
Truth is
also about acceptance of the world knowledge.
As we continue to learn more about how the world operates, our views should
change accordingly. Religions shouldn’t
be trying to wage war upon science or trying to redefine scientific
insight. If that means our view on
religion evolves, embrace the change for the pursuit of truth.
With a full
embrace of truth, we should shun practices that are hypocritical. Let’s not sing about peace while cheering on
war. Let’s not picket abortion clinics
while forgoing helping children in need. Don’t tell me about your vows of celibacy
while pedophiling children.
Money. When you go
to worship, do they ask for money? Do
they pass a basket or insinuate a tithe? Like the light of the sun, God’s love
and his messages are free. No one should ever have to pay.
It seems anyone with a gospel and the
willingness to speak has the potential of ministering. Instead it should be limited to masters of
faith. They should seek an honest living
–working. They’re passion and love
should be of godly pursuits, which they should share freely. No money from the congregation should be used
to support them. Being a minister should
not be his job. Being a minister should
be his passion.
Should you
tithe? If you can, yes. If you are struggling financially, you
shouldn’t feel ashamed not to give what you don’t have. If you are doing especially well, you can
afford to give more than ten percent and you should do so. However, you should tithe by helping your
neighbor. Give to the poor. Buy the hungry food. Help secure shelter for the homeless. Giving to a minister isn’t charity.
Betterment. Are you being challenged to improve
yourself? Are you seeking spiritual
betterment? Your place of worship should
be inspiring you to improve. Each year
you should be making strides to being ever more spiritual, ever closer to
God. If you just attend with getting any
better, why are you going?
religions have routes for forgiving sins. If the same sins are committed over
and over, is the person truly learning anything? It’s likely that being perpetually forgiven
is being used as a spiritual crutch.
is a personal voyage. Being stagnate
deters such growth.
making personal improvements, you should be encouraged to help others. Volunteer to help make the world better,
whether you’re helping the poor, your neighbor, some stray animals, or even an
environmental concern.
Respectful. You are
influenced by the company that you keep.
If you hang around people who are rude, chances are high that you’ll
think and act similarly. Therefore it is
important to seek people that will positively influence you.
Do they gossip? Do they show genuine empathy? If you see them driving, do they cut other
Instill love. There are a
lot of people who can make fancy, eloquent speeches. A minister shouldn’t be about this show of
words. The words should live up his
actions. These actions should grace you
with awe and wonder. You should sense
his love and peace. You should leave
dancing with this love and peace.
To become
part of a congregation that you didn’t give much consideration over makes
little sense. You should find that place
that makes you a better person. I did
and I hope you will, too.
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